Getting to Know Trinity Washington University

Getting to Know Trinity Washington University here. Trinity Washington University, established as Trinity College in 1897, boasts a long and storied history that extends across generations and genders. Today it stands as an unparalleled educational experience that specializes in women’s empowerment while welcoming students of all genders. Trinity offers over 30 undergraduate and several master’s degree programs across business, criminal justice, nursing and teaching disciplines – with an 11:1 student/faculty ratio.

This stimulating academic environment boasts strong educational values for its students. Trinity Washington University stands out by offering an impressive variety of extracurricular activities and excelling in women’s basketball as a sport. Being located in Washington D.C. gives them access to internships, cultural events and social justice projects; making this institution an outstanding choice for prospective students seeking a comprehensive education.

Trinity Washington University’s Women’s Studies are of particular interest

Trinity stands out among local universities by its focus on female students. Established as a women’s college, Trinity remains committed to empowering female students through education despite now welcoming students of all genders. U.S. News & World Report consistently lists Trinity among its Top Colleges for Women list; as part of its dedication, female students can network and learn from one another while accessing gender-specific resources.

Trinity Washington University Academic Programs

Trinity Washington University focuses on cultivating female students’ intellectual curiosity and academic excellence through over 30 undergraduate programs that span business, criminal justice, nursing and teaching – among them nursing & teaching programs that have received national recognition & accreditation; additionally several master’s degrees are offered in education, health services administration & business – providing close interactions between teachers & students both inside and outside of classroom settings. With an 11:1 student/faculty ratio, Trinity Washington University allows for close interactions both inside and outside classroom walls.

Getting to Know Trinity Washington University

Trinity Washington University

Trinity Washington University Offers extracurricular activities

Trinity Washington University students can participate in a wide array of extracurricular activities. Students may join student government, service organizations, literary societies and hobby clubs for leadership experience and friendship development with those sharing similar interests. Furthermore, Trinity’s sports teams rank among the best nationwide. Recently, their success with women’s basketball garnered widespread media coverage.

Trinity Washington University – Location

Trinity Washington University stands out with its location in Washington D.C. as one of its defining characteristics. Studying here allows students to take advantage of unparalleled internships, cultural events and networking opportunities; additionally there are multiple social justice projects such as SHE-CAN that support women living in crisis zones.


Trinity Washington University has grown tremendously from its modest roots as Trinity College to become one of the premier educational institutions for women today, serving thousands of students each year. Prospective students should seriously consider attending this university due to its excellent academic programs, extracurricular offerings and convenient location in Washington D.C. Its commitment to Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur ensures graduates graduate with strong grasps both academics and social justice – an impressive combination that make Trinity Washington University such an incredible institution with much to offer! I urge all prospective students considering applying that you do your research before making your final decision!

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1. What programs does Trinity Washington University Offer?

Trinity Washington University boasts an extensive list of undergraduate and graduate majors available to its students including business, teaching, nursing, health sciences, communication and criminal justice studies.

2. How Can I Apply to Trinity Washington University?

To apply to Trinity Washington University, complete and submit our online application form available on our website. In addition, please include official transcripts, any pertinent recommendation letters, a personal statement and your SAT/ACT scores with your application package.

3. Is Financial Aid Available at Trinity Washington University?

Trinity Washington University does offer financial assistance to qualifying students. Scholarships, grants, loans and work-study programmes are some of the ways we assist with funding college education costs.

4. Can I transfer credits from another institution to Trinity Washington University?

Trinity Washington University evaluates transfer credits from regionally authorized universities on an individual basis, and after receiving official transcripts will review your application with the admissions committee for consideration.

5. Does Trinity Washington University Provide On-Campus Housing for Undergraduate and Graduate Students?

Trinity Washington University offers housing to both undergraduate and graduate students on its campus for safe environments that provide easy access to university services.

6. Are any extracurricular activities offered at Trinity Washington University?

Trinity Washington University provides its students with several opportunities for engagement outside the classroom, such as student clubs and organisations, athletic teams, leadership programs, volunteer and community service opportunities, cultural events and much more.

7. Do Trinity Washington University students have any internship opportunities?

Absolutely! Trinity Washington University’s strong relationships with local businesses and organizations allow our students to take advantage of internship opportunities that will assist their academic studies as they further their future career goals. Students can receive assistance in finding internships which support these goals from our Career Services department.

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